start.txt 14-Feb-2022 GETTING STARTED This explains how to install and use the XPL0 language system on a Raspberry Pi computer. Begin by making a folder to hold the XPL0 files. From the graphical desktop, click on the folder icon to start the File Manager. In the pi folder, create a new folder called "myxpl" (or whatever you choose to call it). To do this, near the upper-left corner, click on: File New Folder... type: myxpl click on OK You should see the new folder appear in the window. Download the file. (It will appear in the pi/Downloads folder.) Right-click on the zip file to Copy, and then Paste it into your myxpl folder. In myxpl right-click on the zip file and select Extract Here. Click on the icon to start the Terminal program, then type "cd myxpl". You should see a ~/myxpl $ prompt. Typing "dir" will verify that the files are present. To build and install executable versions of the compilers, type: chmod +x installxpl ./installxpl (chmod changes the mode of the installxpl script so it can run. installxpl compiles the compilers and copies them, along with their required files, into the folders /usr/bin and /usr/include.) At this point you have a working XPL0 compiler. Use it like this: x hello ./hello You should see Hello, world! Don't run the other programs from the graphical desktop, otherwise you might need to type "reboot" to regain control of your display. COMMAND LINE XPL0 graphic programs must be run from a command-line prompt. The Raspberry Pi operating system normally boots into a graphical desktop. It's necessary to change this to boot to a command-line interface (CLI). From the CLI you can always get back to the graphical desktop by typing: startx From the graphical desktop, click on the raspberry icon and select Preferences / Raspberry Pi Configuration. Change Boot: from Desktop to CLI, then click OK. To get to the CLI, click on the raspberry icon and select Shutdown, then click on Shutdown. Restart your computer by cycling power. If you're installing on a RPi 4, the legacy video driver might need to be installed. The May 2020 version of the Buster OS comes with an experimental driver that does not work with XPL0 graphics (nor with some Linux commands). To install the legacy driver, from a command line (not in X Windows) type: sudo raspi-config. Under Advanced Options select GL Driver then select Legacy Original non-GL desktop driver. Reboot for the change to take effect. PROFILE The commands below copy files that get executed each time the CLI is started. The Raspberry Pi OS does not come with .bash_profile, but if you've already set one up, you might want to add some of the contents of this .bash-profile to your existing file. It eliminates the need to type ./ each time you run a program from the CLI. It also enables extended ASCII characters (128-255) like on the original IBM-PC. It also sets the keyboard's auto-repeat rate to ten characters per second, like on the original IBM-PC. cd myxpl cp .bash_profile /home/pi cp cp437-16.psf /home/pi reboot TESTING You can change the hello.xpl program using the nano editor like this: cd myxpl nano hello.xpl Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the word Hello and type Goodbye. (When the Raspberry Pi OS starts, it can move the cursor to the left edge of the screen when setting the date via an Internet connection.) Press the Delete key five times to remove the word Hello, then type: Ctrl+X y x hello hello You should see Goodbye, world! Try compiling and running some of the other programs, for instance: x mineswpr mineswpr How fast can you clear the mine field without blowing yourself up? Pressing any key exits the program. OPTIMIZING COMPILER The optimizing compiler generates programs that run up to four times faster. It also enables tones for the Sound intrinsic. (If no sound then sudo raspi-config Advanced Options can enable the 3.5mm jack.) Use the xx script to compile programs to see how much faster they run than with the x script, for example: xx xpong xpong FEEDBACK If you run into any problems or have any suggestions or comments, I'd be very interested in hearing about them. Please contact me at: -Loren Blaney